RnD photography GmbH

Neunbrunnenstrasse 110, 8050 Zürich

+41 79 470 55 14



Our atelier is our creative space. We use it mostly for our signature portraits and to experiment and work on new lighting techniques and stuff we love.

In our atelier you can feel at home. Is your wife or your partner accompanying you to the session? Perfect. They are welcome. We have a place where they can work and enjoy a coffee or a tea while we help you shine in the light.

Our atelier has parking for visitors and the bus stop (Stierenried, Bus Nr. 64 from Oerlikon station) is across the road.


“"Tolle Team Member Portraits, der dunkle Hintergrund gibt die dynamische Wirkung die wir wollten."”

—Roland, CEO MV Invest AG

“"Egal ob Mitarbeiterportraits, Fotografien von unserem Messestand oder von Produkten; Rebekka setzt unser Unternehmen Firma immer gekonnt in Szene. Wir schätzen ihre unkomplizierte Art und die flexible Zusammenarbeit."”

—Gudrun, Gründerin VEG & the City

“"Deep gratitude for these photos! I love, love, LOVE them! I've been trying to find the words to tell you the impact these pictures had on me. When I look at these pictures I see the things that I don't like about myself, like the way the skin underneath my eyes crinkles up when I laugh. And, maybe for the first time ever, I can see past them. They're there and I'm fine with that. You made me feel so at ease and relaxed and in the moment and it shows."”

—Loes, Ecochangemakers Coach