RnD photography GmbH

Neunbrunnenstrasse 110, 8050 Zürich

+41 79 470 55 14



"Tolle Team Member Portraits, der dunkle Hintergrund gibt die dynamische Wirkung die wir wollten."
-Roland, CEO MV Invest AG

"Deep gratitude for these photos! I love, love, LOVE them! I've been trying to find the words to tell you the impact these pictures had on me. When I look at these pictures I see the things that I don't like about myself, like the way the skin underneath my eyes crinkles up when I laugh. And, maybe for the first time ever, I can see past them. They're there and I'm fine with that. You made me feel so at ease and relaxed and in the moment and it shows."
-Loes, Ecochangemakers Coach

"Egal ob Mitarbeiterportraits, Fotografien von unserem Messestand oder von Produkten; Rebekka setzt unser Unternehmen Firma immer gekonnt in Szene. Wir schätzen ihre unkomplizierte Art und die flexible Zusammenarbeit."
-Gudrun, Gründerin VEG & the City